Most people - very wrongly - assume that model trains are a "kid thing". That could not be farther from the truth, nor should it be. You are only as old as you act, something I always like to keep in mind. So for some, building model trains is a great way to stay young at heart. But these aren't the cheap, cutesy, or snap together things you were accustomed to a child. Some of these model trains are huge and so lifelike, you would think you were looking at an aerial picture of an actual place in some cases. Read on for some of the best model train setups that will make you wish you had this kind of skill.
#1: Wunderland "Hamburg, Germany"
This is no ordinary model railway. This is a full on lifelike model that too 500,000 man hours to create. Germany is known for their eye to detail when it comes to construction, so perhaps it shouldn't come as a shock that Germans take even their model trains so seriously. Serious to the tune of 7.3 million Euros. Take that all you model train designers out there with your puny train sets!
#2: The Great Train Story
Great name, cooler model train setup. This is a visual history of the expansion of the train network in the United States. It covers the history of train expansion from Chicago to Seattle in breathtaking realistic detail.
#3: Toggenburg Model Railway
Many people are under the impression that model trains have to be small and held within a building. Wrong! The Toggenburg Model Railway is one of the largest in all of Europe. This lifelike bad ass of a model railway is over 3/4 of a mile long. That is a serious model train set!
#4: Northlandz Model Railway
This is a truly impressive model train setup that spared no expense in time when it came to the details. Which is probably why this work of art took nearly 25 years to complete. It is incredibly lifelike, with tons of trees and even incredibly accurate buildings to pull together one of the coolest model trains there are.
#5: The Madder Valley Railway
This model train, built in the 1930s was one of the first of its kind that actually incorporated real life scenery and backgrounds into his model train sets. This model railway is now on display but the train is only actually run a couple of times a year.
#6: Loxx Model Railway
This is another impressive German construction. This model railway takes reality to a whole other level. If you didn't tower over the model, you might think that you were looking at a picture of a real place. This model train took over 200,000 man hours to complete and it spans an impressive 2.5 miles.
#7: Gainsborough Model Railway
This is an incredibly realistic model of the East Coast Main Line in London, just in miniature. With a half mile track, you can watch the trains make their sojourn and feel as though you are really watching trains arrive and depart.
#8: Gauge One Bekonscot Model Railway
Built to look as part of the Buckinghamshire landscape, this amazing model railway in England is a truly impressive feast for the senses. This is also one of the oldest model train setups still in working order. This is a truly magnificent piece of work, dating from the 1920s and shows an incredible attention to detail.
#9: Sierra Pacific lines by Pasadena Model Railroad Club
This is no small model train setup. To tour this model train created by the Pasadena Model Railroad Club can take as long as an hour. This impressive model railway boasts 30,000 feet of track, all put together, lovingly, by hand.
#10: The Miniature Railroad & Village
This beautiful and massive model railway setup hearkens us back to a different time and place. Built to mimic, and very well too, Pennsylvania in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This is an incredibly realistic and lifelike creation that is believed to be one of the largest of its kind.
If you want to learn more, check out the full article: 15 Mind Blowing Model Railway Layouts
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